#!/bin/bash #Year to delete year=2015 echo "Cleanup Artifactory from $year year artifacts" for artifactId in `curl -u user:password http://artifactory.example.com:8081/artifactory/libs-release-local/com/example/product/ 2>/dev/null |grep "href"|grep -v '\.\.'| cut -d\> -f2|cut -d\< -f1 |cut -d/ -f1`; do echo "Removing old $artifactId" for item in `curl -u user:password http://artifactory.example.com:8081/artifactory/libs-release-local/com/example/product/$artifactId/ 2>/dev/null |grep $year| grep "href"|grep -v '\.\.' |grep -v maven-metadata.xml|cut -d\> -f2|cut -d\< -f1` do echo removing $artifactId version $item curl -u user:password http://artifactory.example.com:8081/artifactory/libs-release-local/com/example/product/$artifactId/$item; done done
Clean Trash Can and Execute Garbage Collection on Artifactory web interface after the script to speed up free space.