Putty 0.67 is unable to connect to Ubuntu 22.04
Couldn't agree a host key algorithm (available: rsa-sha2-512, rsa-sha2-256, ecdsa-sha2-nistp256,ssh-ed25519)
Solution: Update Putty (for example from 0.67 to Putty 0.77)
Update to latest
apt update apt upgrade
Set correct timezone
dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
Change default editor to vim
sudo update-alternatives --config editor
remove password prompt on sudo
# Allow members of group sudo to execute any command %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
History with dates
vi /etc/bash.bashrc
HISTTIMEFORMAT="%Y-%m-%d %T " HISTSIZE=20000 HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:erasedups shopt -s histappend
Enable sar
apt install sysstat
vim /etc/default/sysstat
Workaround for Intel NUC10i7FNK constant 1.00 Load Average
https://community.intel.com/t5/Intel-NUCs/NUC10i3-IRQ-problem/td-p/669863 (TPS65982 issue with Linux drivers)
https://www.intel.com/content/dam/support/us/en/documents/intel-nuc/Supported-OS-NUC.pdf (Linux is not officially supported by Intel Nuc 10)
modprobe -r tps6598x
Add some nice console apps
apt install btop
apt install ncdu
root@server3:/tmp# ncdu /usr ncdu 1.15.1 ~ Use the arrow keys to navigate, press ? for help --- /usr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.9 GiB [##########] /lib 348.6 MiB [# ] /bin 216.2 MiB [# ] /share 140.1 MiB [ ] /src 54.0 MiB [ ] /libexec 51.8 MiB [ ] /sbin 112.0 KiB [ ] /include 60.0 KiB [ ] /local 4.0 KiB [ ] /lib64 e 4.0 KiB [ ] /libx32 e 4.0 KiB [ ] /lib32 e 4.0 KiB [ ] /games
apt install duf
─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │ 2 local devices │ ├────────────┬────────┬────────┬────────┬─────────────────────┬──────┬────────────────┤ │ MOUNTED ON │ SIZE │ USED │ AVAIL │ USE% │ TYPE │ FILESYSTEM │ ├────────────┼────────┼────────┼────────┼─────────────────────┼──────┼────────────────┤ │ / │ 97.9G │ 19.6G │ 73.2G │ [##........] 20.1% │ ext4 │ /dev/nvme0n1p3 │ │ /boot │ 973.4M │ 129.9M │ 776.3M │ [#.........] 13.3% │ ext4 │ /dev/nvme0n1p2 │ ╰────────────┴────────┴────────┴────────┴─────────────────────┴──────┴────────────────╯
apt install net-tools #netstat apt install tree apt-install postgresql-client-14 snap remove docker apt install docker.io apt install docker-compose apt install docker-compose-v2