Also known as AOSONG CM2320

5v (3.1v-5.5v)


i2c Adress: 0xB8 (0x5c?)

Aliexpress: 2.5$


Sensors test examples: 

Test 1 v5 board in Freezer

Test 2 v5 board stable environment

Test 5 v5 saturated salt solution

Test 11 v5 room RH60

Test 4 v6 Saturated NaCl solution

Test 2 v7 room RH12 low humidity

Test 3 v7 balcony RH15-92 changing humidity

Test 4 v8 RH12 to RH94

Test 1 v8b Balcony high to mid RH

Test 0 v9 balcony high humidity

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